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Mongoexport strict json load in Spark

I have a process that exports data from a mongodb using mongoexport. As the documentation mentions all json output is in Strict mode

This means data will look like this:


Where as my Scala case class is defined as:

case class MongoData(amount: Long, count: Long)

Reading the data will of course fail like this:


Is there a way to either export from mongo without the strict mode or to import the json in Scala without manually restructuring each field to the appropriate structure?


  • I'm now using this as solution. but it feels somewhat hacky.

    case class DataFrameExtended(dataFrame: DataFrame) {
       def undoMongoStrict(): DataFrame = {
        val numberLongType = StructType(List(StructField("$numberLong", StringType, true))) 
        def restructure(fields: Array[StructField], nesting: List[String] = Nil): List[Column] = {
          fields.flatMap(field => {
            val fieldPath = nesting :+
            val fieldPathStr = fieldPath.mkString(".")
            field.dataType match {
              case dt: StructType if dt == numberLongType =>
              case dt: StructType =>
                Some(struct(restructure(dt.fields, fieldPath): _*).as(
              case _ => Some(col(fieldPathStr).as(
              //              case dt:ArrayType => //@todo handle other DataTypes Array??
    implicit def dataFrameExtended(df: DataFrame): DataFrameExtended = {