I have this code:
Document dataDoc;
Document::AllocatorType &allocator = dataDoc.GetAllocator();
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
ostringstream ss;
ss << "set_" << i + 1 << "_data";
Document doc;
dataDoc.PushBack(doc, allocator);
There's a rapidjson::Document
"dataDoc" and I convert it to an array. Then I fill the array with Document
objects that contain JSON objects that are fetched from cocos2d::UserDefault
and parsed appropriately.
This is the JSON object that is added to the dataDoc:
"people": [
"name": "Peter",
"phone": "123",
"address": "Address 456"
"name": "Helen",
"phone": "123",
"address": "Address 456"
"name": "John",
"phone": "123",
"address": "Address 456"
Now the dataDoc array contains 10 of these objects.
I know that I can handle one object like this:
Document doc;
rapidjson::Value &people = doc["people"];
string name = people[0]["name"].GetString();
But how can I access, for example, the first object in the dataDoc array by index and get the name value as above?
Tried also with this code:
vector<string> jsons;
jsons.push_back("{\"people\":[{\"name\":\"Peter\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"},{\"name\":\"Helen\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"},{\"name\":\"John\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"}]}");
jsons.push_back("{\"people\":[{\"name\":\"Peter\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"},{\"name\":\"Helen\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"},{\"name\":\"John\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"}]}");
jsons.push_back("{\"people\":[{\"name\":\"Peter\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"},{\"name\":\"Helen\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"},{\"name\":\"John\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"}]}");
Document dataDoc;
Document::AllocatorType &allocator = dataDoc.GetAllocator();
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
Document doc;
dataDoc.PushBack(doc, allocator);
auto &people = dataDoc[0]["people"];
But it gave me the same error. It points to line 1688 in "document.h" located at ...\cocos2d\external\json\
First, there seems to be an issue in your code the way you create doc
- You need to provide the allocator of dataDoc
Document doc(&allocator);
Then, rapidjson::Document
inherits from rapidjson::Value
, so you can simply treat it as a value and use the []
auto &people = dataDoc[0]["people"];
You can also iterate through the whole document:
for (auto &doc: dataDoc.getArray()) {
auto &people = doc["people"];
Prior to C++11:
for (Value::ConstValueIterator itr = dataDoc.Begin();
itr != dataDoc.End(); ++itr) {
auto &people = (*itr)["people"];