This topic har been discussed on stackoverflow before, but not with latest version of ember data, I think. At least none of the suggestions I have found have worked for me.
I use the latest version of Ember and Ember data (versjon 2.13.0). I use the JsonApiAdapter.
After I load a record from the server I want to do a few changes to some of its properties. These changes shall not make the record dirty, and the changed attributes shall not show up in the record.changedAttributes()
. Any changes the user may do after that shall make the record dirty.
Searching for a solution
I have tried to manually change the isDirty flag, but it didn't do it. I have also tried to find the place in the ember data code that sets the state after a record has been loaded (because essentially I am trying to do the same thing) but I haven't found where it is.
I have also tried record.send('pushedData')
, but I didn't change anything of the state of the record.
Any help appreciated.
I know 3 methods which allow to modify server's response without dirtying records:
You can override adapter's handleResponse method and make modifications right in payload.
You can override serializer's normalize method.
You can load records from server with Ember.$.ajax method, modify response and then pass it to store's pushPayload method.
First two methods are good if you need to modify record after every load from server (no matter from what route/controller you do it). Both adapter and serializer can be model-specific. If you need to do it in only one place (controller or route), or if you need an access to route's/controller's variables - 3rd method is good.
I'm not aware about any way to mark record as dirty/not dirty. If you modify a record after it was stored, it becomes dirty.