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Unexpected syntax error when copying Excel VBA code from a Web site

I was looking for a function to conditionally concatenate a range of cells in Excel. This function

Function ConcatenateIf(CriteriaRange As Range, Condition As Variant, ConcatenateRange As Range, Optional Separator As String = ",") As Variant

Dim xResult As String
On Error Resume Next
If CriteriaRange.Count <> ConcatenateRange.Count Then
    ConcatenateIf = CVErr(xlErrRef)
    Exit Function
End If
For i = 1 To CriteriaRange.Count
    If CriteriaRange.Cells(i).Value = Condition Then
        xResult = xResult & Separator & ConcatenateRange.cells(i).Value
    End If
For i = 1 To CriteriaRange.Count
Next i
If xResult <> "" Then
    xResult = VBA.Mid(xResult, VBA.Len(Separator) + 1)
End If
ConcatenateIf = xResult
Exit Function

from looked just the ticket. Comments suggested it had worked for other coders.

However, when I paste it into a VBA module in Excel2016, there are syntax errors which I can't figure out. "Exit Function" on line 7 can be resolved by deleting "Function". The call of "Exit Function" at the end doesn't register as an error but can removed as superfluous. But

If CriteriaRange.Cells(i).Value = Condition Then

is highlighted as a syntax error (and the matching "End If"). If I simply use "If true Then", the error doesn't go away, which suggests looking at the previous line

For i = 1 To CriteriaRange.Count

and I tried "For i = 1 To 8" but that doesn't fix it either. I just can't see what it wrong?

Further to the helpful responses, here is a screenshot of a direct paste into VBA

shows red syntax error highlights in original code from site

and here is a screenshot of the "dodgy" space characters as seen in Word

shows spaces-as-circles with Hidden Chars on in Word


  • Edit 2

    As the OP discovered, copying and pasting from the Web site gives a bunch of non-breaking spaces:

    enter image description here

    On my test case (Excel 2013, Win7), those paste in fine, and Excel doesn't barf. However, the OP's installation (Excel 2016) can't handle them.

    To change those:

    • Paste the code into Word.
    • Do a Find/Replace to change ^s (nonbreaking spaces, ChrW(160)) to a single space ().
    • Copy from Word to Excel.


    All I had to do to get it to compile was:

    • Comment out the second For i=... line
    • Change Exit Function on the last line to End Function.

    Haven't tested it, though. Would you please edit your question to add the test case you are trying?

    Edit @YowE3K beat me to it — there are some copy-and-paste errors in the code in your question. Recopy from the site and you should be OK!