I was looking for a function to conditionally concatenate a range of cells in Excel. This function
Function ConcatenateIf(CriteriaRange As Range, Condition As Variant, ConcatenateRange As Range, Optional Separator As String = ",") As Variant
Dim xResult As String
On Error Resume Next
If CriteriaRange.Count <> ConcatenateRange.Count Then
ConcatenateIf = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
For i = 1 To CriteriaRange.Count
If CriteriaRange.Cells(i).Value = Condition Then
xResult = xResult & Separator & ConcatenateRange.cells(i).Value
End If
For i = 1 To CriteriaRange.Count
Next i
If xResult <> "" Then
xResult = VBA.Mid(xResult, VBA.Len(Separator) + 1)
End If
ConcatenateIf = xResult
Exit Function
from https://www.extendoffice.com/documents/excel/2723-excel-concatenate-based-on-criteria.html looked just the ticket. Comments suggested it had worked for other coders.
However, when I paste it into a VBA module in Excel2016, there are syntax errors which I can't figure out. "Exit Function" on line 7 can be resolved by deleting "Function". The call of "Exit Function" at the end doesn't register as an error but can removed as superfluous. But
If CriteriaRange.Cells(i).Value = Condition Then
is highlighted as a syntax error (and the matching "End If"). If I simply use "If true Then", the error doesn't go away, which suggests looking at the previous line
For i = 1 To CriteriaRange.Count
and I tried "For i = 1 To 8" but that doesn't fix it either. I just can't see what it wrong?
Further to the helpful responses, here is a screenshot of a direct paste into VBA
and here is a screenshot of the "dodgy" space characters as seen in Word
As the OP discovered, copying and pasting from the Web site gives a bunch of non-breaking spaces:
On my test case (Excel 2013, Win7), those paste in fine, and Excel doesn't barf. However, the OP's installation (Excel 2016) can't handle them.
To change those:
(nonbreaking spaces, ChrW(160)
) to a single space (
). All I had to do to get it to compile was:
For i=...
lineExit Function
on the last line to End Function
.Haven't tested it, though. Would you please edit your question to add the test case you are trying?
Edit @YowE3K beat me to it — there are some copy-and-paste errors in the code in your question. Recopy from the site and you should be OK!