I am currently developing multiplayer fps shooter, and i am stuck on vehicles.
i tried these "ClientRpc" stuff, "Command" and etc. So Player has Controll script, and this script has function OnControllerColliderHit, so if this happens i call void Disable();
in this method, i disable all colliders and some components i don't need like: shooting, moving, camera etc...
basically all i need is: Disable some player components when he gets in car. script works perfectly in singleplayer, but in multiplayer it looks really weird.
I have also asked this on Unity answers, but didn't get any: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/1235436/ (scripts are there)
ps(if you'll need some more info or scripts for me to post, just comment. )
I think the problem is that you are only enabling/disabling components in the server. Commands are called on the server only, so you might want to use RPC to do the same in the clients.
void Update()
//if there is driver in car then we can controll it. (it's a paradox for me, if there is driver and i am passanger i also can controll it lol.)
GetComponent<carController>().enabled = true;
GetComponent<carController>().enabled = false;
//command function for sitting. in car.
public void CmdSit(string _player)
//i increase how many people are in car
cam.enabled = true;
//find player who sat there.
GameObject player = GameObject.Find(_player);
//i think you will get it >>
if (hasDriver)
player.transform.parent = Sitter.transform;
player.transform.position = Sitter.transform.position;
cam.GetComponent<AudioListener>().enabled = true;
player.transform.parent = Driver.transform;
hasDriver = true;
cam.GetComponent<AudioListener>().enabled = true;
player.transform.position = Driver.transform.position;
RpcSit(_player, hasDriver);
public void RpcSit(string _player, bool _driver)
cam.enabled = true;
//find player who sat there.
GameObject player = GameObject.Find(_player);
//i think you will get it >>
if (_driver)
player.transform.parent = Sitter.transform;
player.transform.position = Sitter.transform.position;
cam.GetComponent<AudioListener>().enabled = true;
player.transform.parent = Driver.transform;
cam.GetComponent<AudioListener>().enabled = true;
player.transform.position = Driver.transform.position;