I'm trying to build an application that the communication will be done by a node.js
server. This node server will receive messages from others peers.
My node.js
code is:
var zmq = require('zmq'),
socket = zmq.socket('sub');
socket.bind('tcp://', function (err) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error: ', err);
throw err;
socket.on('message', function (envelope, blank, data) {
socket.on('error', function (err) {
In the other part of the system, there is a java
server that should send messages for this server.
This is my java
Context context = ZMQ.context(1);
Socket publisher = context.socket(ZMQ.PUB);
for (int request_nbr = 0; request_nbr < 10; request_nbr++) {
For now, my java
server is running locally and my node.js
is running inside a docker with the port 5556 exposed.
I have success sending messages from the java
server. But no message is received in my node.js
There is any problem in my ZeroMQ initialization?
As defined in the ZeroMQ protocol-specifications, the SUB-Formal Scalable Communication Pattern archetype has an empty subscription list upon it's instantiation.
Your SUB-side has to indeed subscribe to anything else ( be it at least a ""
- yes - an empty string is enough, for starting receiving any and all messages, or may setup some problem/context-specific string(s), as TOPIC-filter, where each message will start to get tested for a presence of at least one of such TOPIC-s, and discarded ( not .recv()
-ed or not promoted into the hands of .on( 'message', ... )
handler at all ).
Anyway, enjoy the ZeroMQ powers for the distributed computing!