Why are there two versions of TrivialDrive?
Which version should be the main reference project for learning in-app billing? What's the difference between the versions?
A little searching shows that Trival Drive V2 sample has a shared build.gradle file:
which has the following line:
compile 'com.android.billingclient:billing:dp-1'
Looking at the documentation here:
Shows that Google just released a new version of the Billing Library release dp-1:
Starting with Play Billing Library release dp-1 (June 2017), the minimum supported API level is Android 2.2 (API level 8). The minimum supported In-app Billing API is version 3.
And specifically calls out changes to the minimum support Android API and In-app Billing API.
Given the Trivial Drive V2 sample app(s) has a Wear 2.0 example - this version has billing support on Wear 2.0 apps.