I have an MVC controller that has the following signature:
public AccountController(
IRulesFacade rulesFacade,
[Dependency("personAppClient")] IAppClient personAppClient,
[Dependency("notificationsClient")] IAppClient notificationsClient,
ITransformer<ExpandoObject> transformer)
You will notice that there are two CTOR properties which are the same Interface type but which are named differently.
In my Unity configuration I have the following lines of code:
container.RegisterType<IAppClientConfigProvider, AppClientConfigProvider>("personAppClient", new InjectionConstructor(
new ResolvedParameter<IAppClient>("personAppClient"),
container.RegisterType<IAppClientConfigProvider, AppClientConfigProvider>("notificationsClient", new InjectionConstructor(
new ResolvedParameter<IAppClient>("notificationsClient"),
In my UnitTest I have the following with some related Setup code:
MockAppClient = new Mock<IAppClient>();
MockAppClient.Setup(ac => ac.AddAsync<ExpandoObject>(It.IsAny<ExpandoObject>()))
.Returns(() => Task.FromResult(User));
My question is how do I create a Mock that can provide the necessary "name" for the Dependency?
Create two separate mocks of the dependencies and pass that to the SUT
// Arrange
var personAppClientMock = new Mock<IAppClient>();
personAppClientMock.Setup(_ => _.AddAsync(It.IsAny<ExpandoObject>()))
var notificationsClientMock = new Mock<IAppClient>();
notificationsClientMock.Setup(_ => _.AddAsync(It.IsAny<ExpandoObject>()))
//...other related setup code
var sut = new AccountController(
// Act