I want to build a component that I would be able to re-use in different states, because the functions it performs are quite similar. The problem is that it is supposed to use different methods from my service according to the state where it is rendered. Considering I've got these states:
.state('create', {
url: 'create',
component: 'myComponent',
resolve: {
data: function (myService) {
return myService.getData();
.state('edit', {
url: 'edit',
component: 'myComponent',
// another resolve
// and so on
And I have a service with the following methods:
class myService {
// constructor($http) { this._$http = $http; }
create(smth) {
return this._$http.post(`${apiUrl}/smth`, smth).then(res => res.data);
edit(smth) {
return this._$http
.put(`${apiUrl}/smth/${smth.id}`, smth)
.then(res => res.data);
And my component:
let myComponent = {
//bindings: {},
controller: function () {};
template: myTemplate
So that if my component is rendered in create
state, it would use create()
method from myService
correspondingly, and the same for edit
and other states I would have. How could I design my component to work in a such way?
For example, you can pass binding in one of the cases (like edit):
bindings: { isEditState: "<?"}
class myService {
// constructor($http) { this._$http = $http; }
makeRequest(smth, method) {
return this._$http[method](smth).then(res => res.data); // because they are pretty similar in your example
Then in component:
makeReuest(smth) {
const reqMethod = isEditState ? "put" : "post";
this.myService.makeRequest(smth, method);
// ...
Finally, in routes, you can pass template
instead of component
.state('create', {
url: 'create',
template: '<my-component></my-component>',
resolve: {
data: function (myService) {
return myService.getData();
.state('edit', {
url: 'edit',
template: '<my-component is-edit-state="true"></my-component>',
// another resolve