Can "foreach" can be used for each element of the 2-D List/Array? I tried the code:
val n_vec = (0 to 2).map(i=>
(0 to 2).map(j=>
n_vec(i)(j) := i.U + j.U
the error message is
top.scala:24: error: type mismatch;
found : Int => Unit
required: chisel3.core.UInt => ?
Could you enlight me whether it can be used in such a way, even how?
It would be cleaner to write like this:
n_vec.foreach { i=>
i.foreach { j=>
j := x.U + y.U
y = y + 1
y = 0
x = x + 1
But you don't need to increment x
and y
manually, just iterate over indices instead:
n_vec.indices.foreach { x =>
n_vec(x).indices.foreach { y =>
n_vec(x)(y) := x.U + y.U
or better (and this translates exactly to the above)
for {
x <- n_vec.indices
y <- n_vec(x).indices
} {
n_vec(x)(y) := x.U + y.U