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How to delay Tween.js animation until a button is clicked? (three.js)

I want to make it so the tween animation for my camera only starts when an object is clicked. This object could be an object in my three.js scene, or simply a HTML button. Here is my code for the camera animation, which works:

            // initial position of camera
            var camposition = { x : 0, y: 0, z:3100 };
            // target position that camera tweens to
            var camtarget = { x : 0, y: 0, z:8500 };
            var tweencam = new TWEEN.Tween(camposition).to(camtarget, 1600);

                camera.position.x = camposition.x;
                camera.position.y = camposition.y;
                camera.position.z = camposition.z;

            // delay tween animation by three seconds



Instead of delaying the animation by three seconds, I want to detect when the mouse1 button has been clicked, and then start the animation. Not sure how to do this, or if there is an easier alternative method?


  • All you have to do is wrap the start of the tween inside a function, and then call this function on a button click:

    function launchTween() {
    <button onclick="launchTween()">Launch Tween</button>

    The entire code would look as follows:

    // initial position of camera
    var camposition = {
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
      z: 3100
    // target position that camera tweens to
    var camtarget = {
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
      z: 8500
    var tweencam = new TWEEN.Tween(camposition).to(camtarget, 1600);
    tweencam.onUpdate(function() {
      camera.position.x = camposition.x;
      camera.position.y = camposition.y;
      camera.position.z = camposition.z;
    function launchTween() {
    <button onclick="launchTween()">Launch Tween</button>

    Hope this helps! :)