I have a websocket app that connects to my Java backend via stomp.js file.
function connect() {
var socket = new SockJS('<?php echo $rootbasename;?>wsconnect');
stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
stompClient.debug = null;
stompClient.connect({}, function (frame) {
console.log('Connected: ' + frame);
console.log('/queue/messages/' + widgetId + "/" + $.cookie(cookiename));
stompClient.subscribe('/queue/messages/' + widgetId + "/" + $.cookie(cookiename), function (result) {
//code here
}, {userToken: $.cookie(cookiename), widgetId: widgetId});
stompClient.subscribe('/queue/makereadresult/' + widgetId + '/' + $.cookie(cookiename), function (result) {
But, what if my java backend server will reboot? I want customers not to notice any change. Is there a way to auto-reconnect on connection lost? Or any way to make it smooth for clients?
When you are connecting you can pass in error callback. In there you could have reconnect logic. For example stomp has this method
client.connect(login, passcode, connectCallback, errorCallback);
and in errorCallback just call connectCallback.