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Emacs using Common Lisp with cl-lib.el

I have been using ELISP for a while and now I have decided to use Common Lisp using cl-lib.el extension for Emacs. The question is does cl-lib.el provide a complete CLISP extension for Emacs or it partially supports CLISP? The other question, if I include cl-lib.el in one package (I have multiple packages), does that mean the cl-lib.el will also be applied to all other packages? For example, if I have:

(load "~/elisp/file1.el") ; (require 'cl-lib.el)
(load "~/elisp/file2.el") ; does it automatically use cl-lib.el or not?


    1. No; neither cl-lib.el nor cl.el is equivalent to Common Lisp. Not at all.

    2. Once a library has been loaded, it is loaded. If you load file1 and it loads cl-lib, then when you later load file2, cl-lib has already been loaded. All that matters is the order of loading.