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Error occur at compiling the Cocos 2d-x project in android Studio

Cocos 2d-x-3.15.1 Error in android Studio

Error occur at the time of compiling the new project in android studio

enter image description here


I've new error in cocos2dxXXXXXX file, added screenshot below :

enter image description here


  • #include <unistd.h> header is missing in ProcessCpuTracker.cpp file for NDK v15

    check this answer for more detail.

    EDIT uses Apache HTTP Client which is removed in Android 6.0.

    There is a PR for this issue so you can use latest version or apply patch by yourself :

    1. Add android-async-http-1.4.9.jar inside cocos/platform/android/java/libs/ folder

    2. Minor changes (import statement) in file