I have this code using AngularJS and NGTagsInput. I'm using Filter in AutoComplete, and you can add new itens pressing 'Enter', but i wanted show this message to user. If there is not a result in auto complete, show message: "No results found. Press Enter to Add" I tried put a Else inside Filter. but does not work because he checks every single letter.
$scope.loadCountries = function($query) {
return $http.get('countries.json', { cache: true}).then(function(response) {
var countries = response.data;
return countries.filter(function(country) {
return country.name.toLowerCase().indexOf($query.toLowerCase()) != -1;
Here is a Plnkr: PLUNKR
Thanks for now ! =)
You just need to check if there are a returned item matched, in other way just check if the array filtered with that query has an item. If there are no matched item this mean no data :D
$scope.loadCountries = function($query) {
return $http.get('countries.json', { cache: true}).then(function(response) {
var countries = response.data;
var filtered = countries.filter(function(country) {
return country.name.toLowerCase().indexOf($query.toLowerCase()) != -1;
$scope.nodata = filtered.length === 0;
return filtered;