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Tomee Installation process?

SPEC : jdk1.8 ,TOMEE702, win10

Question : How/What/which to install and use TOMEE for open-ejb3.X ?

url :

I could not find any easy install-able for all of the downloads from the url.

with regards Karthik


  • How to install

    Just unzip the archive you downloaded.

    which distribution

    TomEE comes in several flavors which offer either alternative implementations for some of the specifications and/or additional functionality. Without more concrete requirements it's not possible recommend concrete flavor.

    You can see the comparison here: Note that the table is for version 1.7 For 7.0.x, the details are in the text below. The difference between plume/plus is that the first one uses eclipselink and mojara, while "plus" uses openjpa and myfaces.

    The difference between web-profile and the others interms of ejb is that web-profile by spec supports ejb-lite, while plus/plume should support ejb full.

    Also I'd recommend you to use the latest and greates version of tomee - currently 7.0.3 and upgrade to 7.0.4 as soon as it's released as it contains A LOT of fixes.