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Zurb 6.4.0 - where did the large-pull-3 go?

I am using zurb foundation 6.3.4 and uses large-pull and large-push to reorder two rows of content on big screens.

Tried to update to 6.4.0, and these are gone! The hardworking zurb-gang has not yet updated the docs completely, and the migration notes are limited. (No nagging here; I know how much time it takes to keep docs up to date.)

Someone that knows?


  • I ended up adding the large-push-9 and large-pull-3 in a minimal adaptation:

    <div class="grid-container">
      <div class="grid-x grid-padding-x">
        <div class="row">
          <article class="large-3 medium-12 columns large-push-9">
             <!---content sidebar-->
          <article class="large-9 medium-12 large-pull-3 columns">
        @media print, screen and (min-width: 64em) {
          .large-push-9 {
          position: relative;
          left: 75%; }
          .large-pull-3 {
            position: relative;
            left: -25%; }

    It fixed my problem, but anyone with a "real" answer, i.e. how to use zurbs grid-container properly, might want to chime in.