Currently I am not getting an answer at the greensock forum. I have a searchbar, which should expand by clicking on an icon and close again, when clicking anywhere at the body, but only, when the searchbar is expanded.
When I open the searchbar I am facing two problems for the closing animation:
(1) The closing animation is being resetted when I click on the body element while the closing animation is running.
(2) The closing animation runs, even if the searchbar is not expanded.
I tried to solve this issues by adding a data attribute to the container for the different states (open, true/false) but somehow it does not work as intended. Is there any logic error in my code?
(function($) {
var $irpsearch = $('#irp-newssearch-container'),
$irpsearchinput = $('#irp-searchform-input'),
$search_icon = $('.irp-news-search-icon'),
$btn_container = $('.irp-filter-buttons'),
$filter_btn = $('.filter-btn'),
$search_seperator = $('.irp-search-seperator')
$body = $('body');
var openSearchAnimation = new TimelineMax({
paused: true
.staggerTo($filter_btn, .5, {scale: 0.7 ,opacity: 0,ease: Back.easeInOut},-0.1)
.set($btn_container,{'display': 'none'})
.to($search_seperator, .3, {opacity: 0, ease: Expo.easeOut}, '-=0.6')
.to($search_icon, .5, {backgroundColor:"#ffffff", ease: Power0.easeNone}, '-=1.0')
.to($irpsearch, 1.0, {width: '100%', ease: Power3.easeOut}, '-=0.1');
openSearch = function () {
$'open', true);;
return false;
closeSearch = function() {
$'open', false);
/*$irpsearchinput.on('click', function(e) {
$irpsearch.on('click', function(e) {
if (!$'open')) {
/* HTML Click */
$'click').on('click', function(e) {
/* Escape Hide */
$( document ).on( 'keydown', function ( e ) {
if ( e.keyCode === 27 ) { // ESC
} else {
if ($irpsearchinput.val() === '') {
return false;
Codepen to illustrate the issues:
I've changed a few things and hope this is what you're looking for.
The main difference is that we now bind our events with .one(...)
instead of .on(...)
. This means that the event will only get executed once and then destroyed and we don't have to keep track of the state.
When the site loads we bind $'focus', ...)
The event will be executed when the input
gets focus.
Within the function openSearch
we bind $'blur', ...)
(executed when the input
loses focus) and inside the function closeSearch
we again bind $'focus', ...)
Lastly we make sure that when you press ESC
the input
loses focus (and thereby triggers the blur
Here's a fork of your pen.