I'm begginer in akka and during my education I have the next question:
For example I have main actor which send messages to other two child actors. Both of them will return the different lists.
ChildActorA return Optional<List<Entity1>>
ChildActorB return Optional<List<Entity2>>
How can I match main actor to process theese responses?
Some demonstartion code:
public class MainActor extends AbstractLoggingActor {
public Receive createReceive() {
return receiveBuilder()
.match(Entity1.class, this::onEntity1)
.match(Entity2.class, this::onEntity2)
//How match to the list of these entities?
.match(Optional<List<Entity1>>, this::onList1)
.match(Optional<List<Entity2>>, this::onList2)
private void onEntity1(Entity1 entity1) {
final ActorRef entity1ChildActor = getContext().actorOf(Entity1ChildActor.props());
entity1ChildActor.tell("printIt", getSelf());
private void onEntity2(Entity2 entity2) {
final ActorRef entity21ChildActor = getContext().actorOf(Entity2ChildActor.props());
entity2ChildActor.tell("printIt", getSelf());
One of the children actors:
public class Entity1ChildActor extends AbstractLoggingActor {
public Receive createReceive() {
return receiveBuilder()
.match(String.class, this::onPrint)
private void onPrint(Entity1 entity1) {
//Here I want to tell to parent List of something
//namely Optional<List<Entity1>>
//How can I match parent behavior?
getSender().tell(someOptionalList, getSelf());
public static Props props(){
return Props.create(Entity1ChildActor.class);
Generic type arguments are a compile-time concern. They are lost at runtime. It's called type erasure.
So at runtime both Optional<List<Entity1>>
and Optional<List<Entity2>>
become simply Optional
and are indistinguishable by type.
However, you can create 2 concrete classes to use as messages and encapsulate the optional lists and match against those. Alternatively, you can create 1 concrete class and have it hold the type of entity in a field and expose it, so that you can use it in the predicate of the match method.