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Hibernate @Enumerated seems to be ignored

I have the class Person mapped with annotations with enum Sex reffering to the sex if is male or female. Let's see:

@Table(name = "PERSON")
public class Person {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private int id;

    @Column(name = "SEX")
    private Sex sex;

    private enum Sex {

    // Getters, setters & constructors

When I test getting all the rows from the MySQL database, it works and the mapping is correct.

The database is already predefined, here is the column's definition:

`SEX` enum('M','F') NOT NULL

However the error occurs when I configure Hibernate with

found [enum (Types#CHAR)], but expecting [varchar(255) (Types#VARCHAR)]

The error is a bit different (expecting [integer (Types#INTEGER)]) happend when I use EnumType.ORDINAL or no @Enumerated at all.

What do I do wrong?


  • try add columnDefinition

    @Column(name = "SEX" , columnDefinition="ENUM('M','S')" ,nullable = false )
    private Sex sex;

    hibernate validate do check types , lenght.... as you have this in db level validator thinks it's different type .

    I didn't see it with Oracle , but with MySql it's might be