I am trying to use the mapObject function of the ModelMapper library like this :
return provider.request(API.userInfo(userId: API.userId))
.mapObject(type: UserTest.self, keyPath: "user")
with this Json :
"success": true,
"user": {
"_id": "HJzCZaXEW",
"mail": "Valentin",
"__v": 0,
"bikes": [
"updated": "2017-06-30T12:19:22.016Z",
"created": "2017-06-30T12:19:22.015Z"
I have tried to see what's the error using this way :
.subscribe {event in
switch event {
case .next(let response):
case .error(let error):
and I got this in my console :
jsonMapping(Status Code: 200, Data Length: 177)
and this is my mapping structure :
import Mapper
struct UserTest: Mappable {
var name: String
var lastname: String
var mail: String
var bikes: [String]
init(map: Mapper) throws {
try name = map.from("name")
try lastname = map.from("lastname")
try mail = map.from("mail")
try bikes = map.from("bikes")
I have also tried an pod update but nothing has changed. I really don't understand why it's not working.
Thanks in advance for your help!
The problem is at these lines
try name = map.from("name")
try lastname = map.from("lastname")
Your json data does not have these two key, "name" and "lastname". Try remove these two lines or make both as "optional" if the data maybe null or exist
lastname = map.optionalFrom("lastname")