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Can we change GWT Bootstrap 3 ButtonCell Icon Dynamically?

I have a GWT bootstrap 3 button as a ButtonCell created with IconType and ButtonType:

public abstract class ButtonColumn<T> extends Column<T, String> {
    public ButtonColumn(IconType iconType, ButtonType buttonType) {
        this(new ButtonCell(buttonType, iconType));

So when I create the button, I do

new ButtonColumn<Object>(IconType.PLAY, ButtonType.SUCCESS) {
  public void onClick(Object obj) {

I want to change my button IconType onClick. Is it possible to achieve it? And can I create a custom IconType extending the GWT IconType Enum? I wanted to put an animated icon (like a loading icon).


  • Well, you can not change the button's icon in a row, especially when you create the whole column with an icon already specified. But you can redraw() a row and this could be a way to achieve what you want.

    I use AbstractCell to render a button and onBrowserEvent:

    • first create an AbstractCell with ClickEvent in consumedEvents parameter
    • in the render() method render a button based on the clicked state
    • in the onBrowserEvent() method change the clicked state and re-render the row

    The clicked state is best to be kept in the table's underlying data type so it is available for each row.

    Here is a complete working example code:

    final CellTable<TableType> table = new CellTable<TableType>();
    AbstractCell<TableType> buttonCell = new AbstractCell<ButtonCellTest.TableType>(ClickEvent.getType().getName()) {
        public void render(Context context, TableType value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
            Button button = new Button();
            button.add(new Icon(value.isClicked() ? IconType.CHECK : IconType.TIMES));
        public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element parent, TableType value, NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<TableType> valueUpdater) {
            // ... do stuff...
    table.addColumn(new Column<TableType, TableType>(buttonCell) {
        public TableType getValue(TableType object) {
            return object;
    ArrayList<TableType> rowData = new ArrayList<TableType>();
    rowData.add(new TableType("row 1"));
    rowData.add(new TableType("row 2"));

    And example table's data type keeping the clicked state:

    public class TableType {
        String text;
        boolean clicked = false;
        public TableType(String text) {
            this.text = text;
        public String getText() {
            return text;
        public boolean isClicked() {
            return clicked;
        public void setClicked(boolean clicked) {
            this.clicked = clicked;

    As for extending the IconType enum - no, you can not extend an enum in Java. See this question for example: Can enums be subclassed to add new elements?.

    You could try to add your own CSS class but this should be asked as another question to get precise answers.