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Avoiding machine-dependent POM with MinGW compiler and nar-maven-plugin

I have a simple JNI-based project up to experiment with the nar-maven-plugin. I'm running Windows 10 and am using MinGW compilers. I'm compiling the native code as C++ rather than C, although I don't think that matters for this question. (The native implementations in the "real" project will use C++, so just changing this is not trivial once I move beyond this initial test.)

In order to make this build with maven install via the Eclipse IDE, I need to specify the linker explicitly in the POM file as part of the plug-in configuration. The relevant section is here:


If I do this, then I'm good on my local machine, but I believe that I've specialized my POM to certain machines / linkers. If I take it out completely, then I get this error:

[INFO] --- nar-maven-plugin:3.5.1:nar-validate (default-nar-validate) @ nar-test ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 0.786 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-06-29T17:05:34-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 8M/23M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.github.maven-nar:nar-maven-plugin:3.5.1:nar-validate (default-nar-validate) on project nar-test: Execution default-nar-validate of goal com.github.maven-nar:nar-maven-plugin:3.5.1:nar-validate failed. NullPointerException -> [Help 1]

If I leave the <name>g++</name> part and delete just the options, then it compiles but my test fails because it cannot link to the native implementation at run-time. (That's related to the --kill-at flag and a known issue, so it's not a terrible surprise.)

Is there a known way to handle this issue such that I get a machine-independent POM that works?


  • The answer by Gerold Broser seems to be the opposite of what I wanted, but it did get me on the right path of using profiles. One of the tricks for me was to realize that it's ok to do a partial specification of an individual plugin in the profile while putting other parameters for that same plugin in the main build section. Although not needed in this case since I don't need to specify anything different in the default situation, I also came to the conclusion that I'd have wanted activeByDefault on my default settings rather than using activeProfiles as was suggested.

    For completeness, the relevant parts of the working POM are below:

        <!-- This default not needed since is specifies nothing, but this seems to be the correct syntax if it were needed