This is probably a pretty specific question:
My problem is that in d3.js i need to create a radial chart. I created the axis and labels. Now i want to draw the radialLine. It creates the path objects in my HTML document, but without any coordinates.
I think it has something to do with the way the radius/data is provided to the radialLine, but can't figure out what to change... Hopefully someone sees my mistake.
I also created a JSfiddle: complete JSfiddle
var notebookData = [{
model: "Levecchio 620RE",
data: [579, 8, 2.4, 256, 13.3]
var categories = [
var priceScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([2500,300]).range([0,100]);
var ramScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,32]).range([0,100]);
var cpuScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([1.0,3.2]).range([0,100]);
var storageScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([64,2048]).range([0,100]);
var displaySizeScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([10.0,20.0]).range([0,100]);
function selectScale(category_name) {
switch(category_name) {
case "Price":
return priceScale;
case "RAM":
return ramScale;
case "CPU":
return cpuScale;
case "Storage":
return storageScale;
case "Display":
return displaySizeScale;
var scaledData = (el) {
return (el2, i) { //el = 1 notebook
return selectScale(categories[i])(el2);
//My RadialLine
var radarLine = d3.radialLine()
.radius(function(d) { return scaledData(d.value); })
.angle(function(d,i) { return i*angleSlice; })
//Create the wrapper
var radarWrapper = g.selectAll(".radarWrapper")
.attr("class", "radarWrapper")
//Create pathlines
.attr("class", "radarStroke")
.attr("d", function(d,i) { return radarLine(d); })
.style("stroke-width", cfg.strokeWidth + "px")
.style("stroke", function(d,i) { return cfg.color(i); })
.style("fill", "none")
<script src=""></script>
I've edited your fiddle a bit to make it work:
Basicly what i've done:
fix the color scheme
var colors = d3.scale.category10();
instead of
var colors = d3.scale.ordinal(d3.schemeCategory10);
added data to path
change radius to
.radius(function(d, i) {
return d;
since You used something like return scaledData(d.value); where your scaledData is an array.