I want to change the color of a Vaadin grid row based on a value of a cell. I tried it as follows and did not work.
@import "mytheme.scss";
@import "addons.scss";
// This file prefixes all rules with the theme name to avoid causing conflicts with other themes.
// The actual styles should be defined in mytheme.scss
.mytheme {
@include addons;
@include mytheme;
.v-grid-row.error_row {
// Tried following elements and didn't work.
// background-color: red !important;
// color: blue !important; // This changed the color of the font.
background: green !important;
Java Code
grid.setStyleGenerator(t -> {
if (t.getLogLevel().trim().equals(ERROR) || t.getLogLevel().trim().equals(WARN)) {
return "error_row";
} else {
return null;
Note: I check the css from the browser's developer tools and that shows the css is updated properly (See the below image).
You need to overwrite the background-color
of the row's TD element:
.v-grid-row.error_row > td {
background-color: red;
By using your browser's style inspection you can see how Vaadin has implemented styles.