I'm a newbie in Orientdb . I have a csv file which has both the nodes and the edge and I need to create a graph out of that csv file . csv file
The edge is IsActingWith which had the score attribute
"source": {
"file": {
"path": "C:/Users/sams/Desktop/OrientDB2/lac2.csv"
"extractor": {
"csv": {}
"transformers": [
"vertex": {
"class": "lac2"
"vertex": {
"class": "lac2"
"class": "IsActingWith",
"joinFieldName": "score_p",
"lookup": "acore",
"direction": "out"
"loader": {
"orientdb": {
"dbURL": "plocal:C:/Users/sams/Desktop/OrientDB2/database/proj",
"dbType": "graph",
"dbAutoCreate": true,
"classes": [
"name": "lac2",
"extends": "V"
"name": "lac2",
"extends": "V"
"name": "IsActingWith",
"extends": "E"
That is what I tried but it does not seem logic to me.
The final result I'm looking for is to have a graaph made of p1->ACTINGWITH-> p2
has score of the score attribute
maybe there's a better solution but this works. My plan is to use 3 different etl scripts: first and second for inserting the vertices and the third for the edges. Of course you'll need to execute them in order.
"source": { "file": { "path": "/home/ivan/Cose/OrientDB/issues/stack/44641116/file.csv" } },
"extractor": { "csv": {
"separator": ",",
"columns": ["p1:String","p2:String","s:Integer"] } },
"transformers": [
{ "command": { "command": "UPDATE lac2 set p='${input.p1}' UPSERT WHERE p='${input.p1}'"} }
"loader": {
"orientdb": {
"dbURL": "plocal:/home/ivan/Cose/OrientDB/issues/stack/44641116/db",
"dbUser": "admin",
"dbPassword": "admin",
"dbType": "graph",
"classes": [
{"name": "lac2", "extends": "V"},
{"name": "isActingWith", "extends": "E"}
"source": { "file": { "path": "/home/ivan/Cose/OrientDB/issues/stack/44641116/file.csv" } },
"extractor": { "csv": {
"separator": ",",
"columns": ["p1:String","p2:String","s:Integer"] } },
"transformers": [
{ "command": { "command": "UPDATE lac2 set p='${input.p2}' UPSERT WHERE p='${input.p2}'"} }
"loader": {
"orientdb": {
"dbURL": "plocal:/home/ivan/Cose/OrientDB/issues/stack/44641116/db",
"dbUser": "admin",
"dbPassword": "admin",
"dbType": "graph",
"classes": [
{"name": "lac2", "extends": "V"},
{"name": "isActingWith", "extends": "E"}
"source": { "file": { "path": "/home/ivan/Cose/OrientDB/issues/stack/44641116/file.csv" } },
"extractor": { "csv": {
"separator": ",",
"columns": ["p1:String","p2:String","s:Integer"] } },
"transformers": [
{ "command": { "command": "CREATE EDGE isActingWith FROM (SELECT FROM lac2 WHERE p='${input.p1}') TO (SELECT FROM lac2 WHERE p='${input.p2}') set score=${input.s}"} }
"loader": {
"orientdb": {
"dbURL": "plocal:/home/ivan/Cose/OrientDB/issues/stack/44641116/db",
"dbUser": "admin",
"dbPassword": "admin",
"dbType": "graph",
"classes": [
{"name": "lac2", "extends": "V"},
{"name": "isActingWith", "extends": "E"}
And here are the situation after the executions:
orientdb {db=db}> select from lac2
|# |@RID |@CLASS|p |out_isActingWith |in_isActingWith|
|0 |#21:6|lac2 |LGG_00001|[#25:5,#26:1,#27:1]| |
|1 |#21:7|lac2 |LGG_01682| |[#25:5] |
|2 |#22:3|lac2 |LGG_01831| |[#26:1] |
|3 |#23:1|lac2 |LGG_01491| |[#27:1] |
4 item(s) found. Query executed in 0.003 sec(s).
orientdb {db=db}> select from isActingWith
|# |@RID |@CLASS |score|out |in |
|0 |#25:5|isActingWith|282 |#21:6|#21:7|
|1 |#26:1|isActingWith|183 |#21:6|#22:3|
|2 |#27:1|isActingWith|238 |#21:6|#23:1|
3 item(s) found. Query executed in 0.004 sec(s).