My problem is that i have an ejb which internally uses freemarker tool to generate a HTML page, built and deployed to JBoss EAP 6.4.10. When i try to access this functionality (which generates HTML code using freemarker tool), jboss throwing below errors:
java.lang.LinkageError: Failed to link freemarker/core/TemplateElement Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/swing/tree/TreeNode
I added freemarker jar in my jboss modules and it's module.xml looks like this:
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="org.freemarker">
<resource-root path="freemarker-2.3.25.jar"/>
Finally it is found out that the error is due to missing dependency 'javax.api' in freemaker's module.xml file, after adding this dependency in module.xml as below the problem has resolved.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="org.freemarker">
<resource-root path="freemarker-2.3.25.jar"/>
<module name="javax.api"/>