I'm using Nunjucks and want to create a macro that plus in star icon and then in the template I can just specify how many stars each element has: e.g:
will display for icon star:
rating: ****
rating: *****
At the moment I don't know how to pass the count:
{% macro starIconTables( star ) %}
{% for star in stars %}
<span class="icon icon-star-filled"></span>
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
You can use range
{% macro stars(num) %}
{%- for i in range(0, num) -%}<span class="icon icon-star-filled"></span>{%- endfor -%}
{% endmacro %}
stars: {{ stars(4) }}
stars: {{ stars(10) }}
P.S. {%-
and -%}
to remove additional line breakers.