Suppose I have a tree of objects like the following, perhaps created using the excellent algorithm found here:
"children": [{
"id": 1,
"title": "home",
"parent": null,
"children": []
}, {
"id": 2,
"title": "about",
"parent": null,
"children": [{
"id": 3,
"title": "team",
"parent": 2,
"children": []
}, {
"id": 4,
"title": "company",
"parent": 2,
"children": []
(Specifically in this example, the array returned by that function is nested as the children
array property inside an otherwise empty object.)
How would I convert it back to a flat array?
Hope your are familiar with es6:
let flatten = (children, extractChildren) => Array.prototype.concat.apply(
children, => flatten(extractChildren(x) || [], extractChildren))
let extractChildren = x => x.children;
let flat = flatten(extractChildren(treeStructure), extractChildren)
.map(x => delete x.children && x);
Sorry, haven't noticed that you need to set parent and level. Please find the new function below:
let flatten = (children, getChildren, level, parent) => Array.prototype.concat.apply( => ({ ...x, level: level || 1, parent: parent || null })), => flatten(getChildren(x) || [], getChildren, (level || 1) + 1,