Good day guys i can't understand what is in here Make an outbound phone call using nexmo.
I did follow the instruction here and type it in my cmd
so first i did this:
npm install nexmo-cli -g
then after i installed it i tried to create and application id:
nexmo app:create "My Voice App" --keyfile private.key
but it says on my cmd that:
'nexmo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I really can't follow what's on blog can you please help me understand it guys. What i want here to make an outbound call using nexmo
It appears that the folder your node modules are installed in is not on your Windows path. To find this folder run
npm config get prefix
Ensure that this folder is within your Windows path, you can view this by running
echo %path%
If it is missing from your path see these answers: fixing npm path in Windows 8