I have a question about encryption and decryption. I noticed some image files for a game I want to do texture mods for is backed with an encryption and I need a little help. My friend managed to decrypt and encrypt one of the files successfully, and it was read in the game. However, that friend has been busy lately and I haven't been able to get a reply so I don't know much more on the encryption at the moment. However, I do have the decrypted file, the encrypted version of the same one, and what she claims to be the key. Please help me use the key to decrypt and encrypt said files. Here's what she says is the password/key... What I know is that it can both decrypt and encrypt the file to my understanding.
Here is the decrypted version of the file.
And the encrypted file is here...
I posted this here instead of the gaming version of Stack Overflow as it's considered off-topic, telling me that I should post this question here. Also, sorry if this question could already be answered in another thread, but I wasn't about to search throuh 27,000 threads for a solution, that could have taken WAY TOO long. Also, this could be considered to belong in Game Development, but since this is such a standard encryption format I thought it'd run along better here than there and I'd probably be shooed off to here, anyways. Thanks for the help in advance.
The "encrypted" data is just the plain data binary XOR'd with the "key".
This is not "standard encryption" though. AES/Rijndael for example would be a much better choice for symmetric encryption.