I have 2 select drop downs. When I select an option for the first drop down, it will automatically update the second one. I need to check if the value of the second drop down is the same as the first drop down.
My problem is that there are pre-loaded values in the second dropdown. If I access it, the return values are all those pre-loaded ones. I need to wait until the drop down value updates, then I will get the value for checking.
I tried to wait hoping that after some time the value will be updated but it results in an error. This is my code for waiting:
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
I also can't use this because the element exists since the start.
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
The html code for the second dropdown goes like this:
<select class="z-phenotype-dropdown z-select">
<option class="z-option"> </option>
<option class="z-option"> sample 1 </option>
<option class="z-option"> sample 2 </option>
<option class="z-option"> sample 3 </option>
I assume the default number of elements in the drop down is 4 and waiting for the number of options is greater than 4 as given below. It may works for you.
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);