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Jubula - Test suite will not map the object possible jar issue?

I'm using Jubula to run some automation for a large Java project. The gateway is a launcher that sets all the parameters etc for the project to run. The gateway is wrapped as a .exe file. I converted it back to a jar in order to get Jubula working with it, I managed to one time but not all the projects jars were launched from the main project launcher. If I attempted to use the .exe within the AUT properties, it won't launch at all. If I convert back to a jar, then I run into an issue of either not being able to object map no matter how much I press CTL+SHIFT+Q or some of the apps don't launch when I use Jubula to automate. Also I need to create a bat file to launch either the jar or the .exe file in any case. I can't just launch the jar from settings within AUT properties.

Is this an issue of the .exe wrapper being the culprit and I should just launch everything without the project launcher or are there known issues with object mapping someone can alert me to?


  • Actually it wasn't an issue with Jubula at all. I had a permissions issue somehow with anything Java related. So I got my machine reimaged and now everything works like a champ.