If I use a calculator, 2/3
is 0.6666666667
which is about 67%
. However if I try to do the same thing with css calc I get an error.
width: calc(2 / 3);
Is there a working way for this?
I don't think it looks that good writing it like 0.666666666667
. Any ideas are welcome.
The problem is with calc(2 / 3)
you will just get a number without an unit. CSS can't display just a number as width. This would be like if you set width: 3
which obviously doesn't work.
If you want the percentage you will need to muliply it by 100%
width: calc(2 / 3 * 100%);
and if you really want the result in pixels multiply it by 1px
width: calc(2 / 3 * 1px);