Search code examples

Docusign API generated envelope is not following routing order

I generate a mixed ceremony envelope using a composite template:

"status": "sent",
"emailBlurb": "testing creation from template",
"emailSubject": "Please sign this template",
"compositeTemplates": [{
        "serverTemplates": [{
                "sequence": "1",
                "templateId": "3f35423e-884a-4bf2-a9b5-19eaac4a5b8f"
        "inlineTemplates": [{
                "sequence": "1",
                "recipients": {
                    "inPersonSigners": [{
                            "name": "LLLLL",
                            "email": "[email protected]",
                            "hostemail": "[email protected]",
                            "hostname": "LLLLLL",
                            "roleName": "Signer 1",
                            "recipientId": "1",
                            "clientUserId": "1000",
                            "signerName": "John Signer",
                            "signerEmail": "[email protected]",
                            "requireIdLookUp": "true",
                            "idCheckConfigurationName": "SMS Auth $",
                            "smsAuthentication": {
                                "senderProvidedNumbers": ["+34676363577"]
                    "signers": [{
                            "name": "VVVVVVV",
                            "email": "[email protected]",
                            "roleName": "Signer 2",
                            "clientUserId": "2000",
                            "routingOrder": "2",
                            "recipientId": "2"
                        }, {
                            "name": "ZZZZZ",
                            "email": "[email protected]",
                            "roleName": "Signer 3",
                            "clientUserId": "3000",
                            "routingOrder": "3",
                            "recipientId": "3"
                "customFields": {
                    "textCustomFields": [{
                            "value": "8009E0000006Qu5QAJ",
                            "required": "false",
                            "show": "false",
                            "name": "##SFContract"
"eventNotification": {
    "RecipientEvents": [{
            "recipientEventStatusCode": "Completed"
        }, {
            "recipientEventStatusCode": "sent"
        }, {
            "recipientEventStatusCode": "delivered"
        }, {
            "recipientEventStatusCode": "declined"
    "EnvelopeEvents": [{
            "envelopeEventStatusCode": "Delivered"
        }, {
            "envelopeEventStatusCode": "completed"
        }, {
            "envelopeEventStatusCode": "sent"
        }, {
            "envelopeEventStatusCode": "Declined"

The template has an In Person Signer as the first signer (routing order 1) and two e-mail signers as second signers (routing order 2)

If I start this process from the template itself or from salesforce, when the in person signing ceremony is finished, it sends the e-mails for the other two signers to complete, but this doesn't happen if the signing url is taken from this envelope. If I check the document status in Docusign, it's waiting for the second and third signatures.

I need to have SMS Auth (thus the composite template and API generation) and an in person signer with two e-mail signers.

Am I missing something in my envelope generation for the process to continue?



  • For emails to be sent remove the clientUserId parameter from the Signers. This parameter indicates the signer is an embedded signer.