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How to fetch Notes related to specific Accounts in Salesforce?

How can I fetch Notes data related to a specific Account using SOQL query in Salesforce?

I tried with the below SOQL query but it gives me empty rows.

SELECT Id, Title, Body FROM Note WHERE ParentId = '<Account_id>'

I am attaching a screenshot for better understanding. enter image description here

I want to query the Notes which are marked in red color in the above image.

PS: Am new to Salesforce


  • Uh, bit tricky for first task :)

    Note is old object primarily used in old Salesforce UI, maybe you have heard of "classic" or "aloha". You are using new Lightning UI and the object you're looking for is ContentNote.

    Old: New:

    To make matters bit messier ContentNotes are built on top of the solution for uploading Files, they're a special type of file. And that one is split into 2 tables - the header that can be linked to from many areas in the system (ContentDocument), wasting space on disk only once... and actual payload which can be versioned (ContentVersion)

    Anyway: this should work

    SELECT ContentDocument.Title, ContentDocument.LatestPublishedVersion.VersionData
    FROM ContentDocumentLink
    WHERE LinkedEntityId = '001...'
    AND ContentDocument.FileType = 'SNOTE'

    Another, simpler way would be to use a flatter, readonly view of all the "files" linked to the record (old school attachments, new files, stuff uploaded as Chatter posts, stuff cross-linked from SharePoint for example...). You'd have to experiment with CombinedAttachment

    SELECT Name, (SELECT Title FROM CombinedAttachments)
    FROM Account
    WHERE Id= '001...'