i am making telnet session using c# and wanna to send 'F3' to the session
TcpClient oClient = new TcpClient();
oClient.Connect(IP, 23);
NetworkStream ns = oClient.GetStream();
string msg=""// here to send 'F3' key
ns.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length);
i tried "{F3}"
and "\033[13~"
but didn't work
The underlying data here is just a TCP stream that has no concept of a keyboard, so the real question is: what does the other end expect to that it is interpreting as F3
? One way to do this would be to set up a dummy TCP dump console exe (server) and have a working client connect and press F3 - inspect what was sent. However, there are some likely candidates, including:
(for different client/server implementations)