My question is actually more about optimizing something I already have working. I'm having a hard time believing there isn't a better way to do this with a LINQ query or lambda expression, so I thought I'd try here.
Each of my datatable rows has an item number and 43 quantity columns, that each correspond with a specific day. What I'm trying to do is take each row, and find the first quantity column that is greater than 0 and return that column name. My solution does work, but I'd really like to make it more efficient:
foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
for (int i = 3; i <= dt.Columns.Count - 1; i++)
tempCol = dt.Columns(i).ColumnName.ToString();
rowValue = Convert.ToInt32(r(tempCol));
if (rowValue > 0)
tempCol = tempCol.Replace("Apat", "");
var FirstAvailableDate = WorkDate.AddDays((dec)tempCol).ToShortDateString;
//use data in someway
Thanks for any suggestions ahead of time!!
the current code, each row * each column
my suggestion:
var allCols = dt.Columns
.Select(col => col.ColumnName.Replace("Apat", ""))
foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
var firstCol =
r.ItemArray.Select((cell, position) => Tuple.Create(Convert.ToInt32(cell), position))
.FirstOrDefault(tuple => tuple.Item1 > 0);
if(firstCol == null) continue;
var colName = allCols[firstCol.Item2];
var FirstAvailableDate = WorkDate.AddDays((dec)colName).ToShortDateString;
//use data in someway