I want my trade page to show a list of every Item
that a user has added to their cart, and I'm having trouble understanding why this implementation is giving me a NoMethodError
So in the #show
action of my TradesController I have a trade_ids
variable that contains an array of added items returned by $redis.smembers current_user_trade
. I then use this to perform a lookup on the id of each item, and loop through the instance variable in my view.
My Trades Controller:
class TradesController < ApplicationController
def show
trade_ids = $redis.smembers current_user_trade
@trade_items = Item.find(trade_ids)
def add
$redis.sadd current_user_trade, params[:item_id]
render json: current_user.trade_count, status: 200
def remove
$redis.srem current_user_trade, params[:item_id]
render json: current_user.trade_count, status: 200
def current_user_trade
Here's the method I'm using to add items to current_user_trade
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :slug, use: [:slugged, :finders]
def slug
[artist.parameterize, title.parameterize].join("-")
def trade_action(current_user_id)
if $redis.sismember "trade#{current_user_id}", id
"Remove from"
"Add to"
My routes:
resource :trade, only: [:show] do
put 'add/:item_id', to: 'trades#add', as: :add_to
put 'remove/:item_id', to: 'trades#remove', as: :remove_from
And then in my trades view I've got a basic:
<% @trade_items.each do |item| %>
<p><%= item.title %></p>
<% end %>
My initial thought is that this had something to do with the fact that I've been using FriendlyId for slug generation. But according to FriendlyId's doc, adding :finders
to the slug declaration in my Item model should reenable lookups by id. But it's not.
I also tried refactoring this so that it used my Items :slug, but that too was to no avail.
Fixed it. Turns out it was cached. I switched from storing item_id
to item_slug
halfway through, and needed to run redis-cli flushall
to get it to store and access the right data.