I'm running JEE6
with glassfish v3
on NetBean6.9
and working on RESTful web service
I have jsp file which contains javascript function below.
It basically read info from HTML input fields
and convert to JSON format
Then with onclick Ajax call
, attempt to send JSON string using HTTP PUT method.
(i.e. I'm trying to UPDATE
the db record using REST)
For js framework I'm using is Prototype1.7
When I test the function below, it always return 404 thus "something went wrong" alert is displayed.
According to my search Prototype above 1.5 version supports HTTP PUT/DELETE methods and to do so add _method to the request URL like what I'm doing:
var url = "/resources/inventory/" + invId + "?_method=PUT";
This will create for instance:
I looked at Firebug and console showing that the request is actually POST. Not sure but I believe this is because of Prototype using POST tunneling to achieve PUT method?
Also even though Ajax is being called, my Java file with JAX-RS annotated witn @POST is not even being called (@GET version is working with separate data so this is the right file) since the first line of its method that spit message is not showing up so I suspect my Ajax statement has some bug or there is something beyond my thinking.. could anyone give me hint?
function protoAjaxPut() {
//get all fields value and store into json
var invId = document.getElementById("invIdField").value;
var invName = document.getElementById("invNameField").value;
//put info into JSON format
var jsonInput = JSON.stringify(new Array(invName));
var url = "/resources/inventory/" + invId + "?_method=PUT";
new Ajax.Request(url, {
postBody: jsonInput,
ContentType: 'application/json',
onSuccess: function(transport) {
var responseData = transport.responseText;
document.getElementById('putResponseText').innerHTML = responseData;
onFailure: function() { alert('something went wrong!')}
}//end protoAjaxPut
They are tunneled: