I have the following hl7 message:
PID|1||W00xxxxx^^^SMHRMC||mouse^Mickey^E||19860905|F||1|2601 somestreet AVE NO 8^^City^ST^zip^USA^^^county|MESA|(970)xxx-xxxx^P^PH|||Single||175375903|xxxxxxx||last^first^^|NON-HISPANIC||||||||||
Hl7 is hard to extract with regex however I have an field that is always in the same location and feel that might be easier. I need to pull the encounter number which is the 'W00xxxxx' in the stream above. It is always in the 3rd pipe delimited section of the PID and stops at the ^.
Currently I have: select substring(column from 'PID\|[1]\|\|(.)\^') but this is not working. However when I use select substring(column from 'PV1\|[1]\|(.)\|') it will pull the 'I'. I can't see the big differences in my regex to know why this isn't working. Thanks.
how about this: