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connecting no authentication apache hive with MicroStrategy

I have installed MicroStrategy BI tool, and Apache Hive-1.1.x with Hadoop services.

Started hiveserver2 and hadoop services. And tested the connection, working perfectly. I'm not using any authentication to run this services.

Have any option to connect Non-SASL Apache hive server with MicroStrategy? Without User and password can't able to create DSN in MicroStrategy.

I used following steps to connect with apache hive 'Add New Datasource->Hadoop->DSN-less Datasource->Apache Hive' enter image description here

If I give any unknown value in User and Password mean throw following error

There is an error. Details
(Database error <5>: Connect failed. Error type: Odbc error. Odbc operation 
attempted: SQLDriverConnect. [S1000:5: on HDBC] [MicroStrategy][ThriftExtension] 
(5) Error occurred while contacting server: No more data to read.. This could be 
because you are trying to establish a non-SSL connection to a SSL-enabled 


  • I Found the problem in hive-site.xml, for hive.server2.authentication value have to use as NONE. NOSASL is raw transport, which have username and password.

    Add following property in hive-site.xml

          Expects one of [nosasl, none, ldap, kerberos, pam, custom].
          Client authentication types.
            NONE: no authentication check
            LDAP: LDAP/AD based authentication
            KERBEROS: Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication
            CUSTOM: Custom authentication provider
                    (Use with property hive.server2.custom.authentication.class)
            PAM: Pluggable authentication module
            NOSASL:  Raw transport