Search code examples

elasticsearch and liferay dxp search

I want to know how I get user information from liferay table in elasticsearch panel.Suppose I have created two users in liferay and reindex user entity then i want to get those data.Is there any way to get those user from elasticsearch panel located localhost:9200.My elasticsearch running in embedded mode.


  • I'm on my phone but I believe going into the search portlet's configuration and choosing to see results in document mode will give you what you're after.

    Then search for the user and expand it's document view in the search results list.

    Edit to add:

    1. Click the options menu on the search portlet (kebab icon).
    2. Click the Configuration option.
    3. Click the Other Settings tab.
    4. Choose Display Results in Document Form.
    5. Search for a user.
    6. Click Details... in the search results.

    Edit again:

    http://localhost:9200/liferay-20116/_search?q=screenName:wmozart Gets you the document as well. My example is running ES on localhost:9200, the index name is liferay-20116 (leave it out to search all indices), and my user's Screen Name is wmozart.