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Retrieve Navigation Property Dynamics WebAPI

I am trying to retrieve the properties of a child entity via the parent entity. General Ledger Account is the parent entity and I want the details for all General Ledger Action entities that are related to the General Ledger Account. General Ledger Action has a lookup field to General Ledger Account. I am using and to build the url's and retrieve the data.

According to Microsoft Documentation:

Unless you specify a smaller page size, a maximum of 5000 entities will be returned for each request. If there are more entities that match the query filter criteria, a @odata.nextLink property will be returned with the results. Use the value of the @odata.nextLink property with a new GET request to return the next page of data.

I am only returning 1 parent entity and 1 child entity so I shouldn't be hitting this barrier. However,

When I use the url:

I get the results:


When I use the url:$select=ccseq_code&$expand=ccseq_generalledgeraccount_ccseq_generalledgeraction_GeneralLedgerAccountID

I get the results:



My understanding is that these two url's should return the exact same data which would be a json object of the parent & child attributes. What is the difference in these queries? Why is my second query returning the odata.nextLink instead of the json representation of the entity?


  • The difference is that in your first request you're retrieving data from a single record and in the second example you're retrieving all the General Ledger Accounts.

    As you can imagine at this point, the $expand works differently according if you're retrieving a single record or a collection (some time ago this was not even supported and you'd get an exception) to avoid performance issues. When retrieving collection, the WebAPI gives you the @odata.nextLink as you mentioned that you can use to retrieve the child records using a second GET.

    You can see an example of this in the MSDN:

    Retrieve related entities by expanding collection-valued navigation properties: If you expand on collection-valued navigation parameters to retrieve related entities for entity sets, an @odata.nextLink property will be returned for the related entities. You should use the value of the @odata.nextLink property with a new GET request to return the required data.