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"No such theme PatternSkinTheme" error message

I have installed foswiki and made basic configuration changes (enabled/disabled plugins, change of patch etc.). Since that time I can see red error message on every window "No such theme PatternSkinTheme" and the banner with Foswiki's logo, "Jump" and "Search" textboxes is located in the end of the pages.

Foswiki screenshot

I tried to revert the configuration back, however the situation still persists. Does somebody know where might be the issue?

Thank you


  • So there were 2 issues: First issue was related with error message and the second with incorrect position of the banner.

    First issue

    The message disappeared after adding in /path/to/foswiki/lib/LocalSite.cfg following lines:

    $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Themes}{PatternSkinTheme}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Themes}{PatternSkinTheme}{Url} = $Foswiki::cfg{PubUrlPath}/$Foswiki::cfg{SystemWebName}/PatternSkinTheme/jquery-ui.css';

    Second issue

    Update in file /path/to/foswiki/templates/foswiki.pattern.tmpl structure of the webpage. I removed %TMPL:P{"topbar"}% from the definition like this

    ... </div>%TMPL:P{"endsidebarwrapper"}%%TMPL:P{"topbar"}%%TMPL:P{"bottombar"}% ...

    and place it to

    ... %TMPL:DEF{"main"}%<div class="foswikiPage"><div id="patternScreen"> <div id="patternPageShadow">%TMPL:P{"topbar"}%%TMPL:P{"metanavigation"}% <div id="patternPage"> ...