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How to make MSBuild correctly track files generated with an external tool across referenced projects?

I have MSBuild code that takes files with a particular Build Action (CompileFoo in this example) and generates output files (with a different extension). This is the code I have so far:

<Target Name="BuildFoo" BeforeTargets="Compile"
    Outputs="@(CompileFoo -> '$(OutputPath)%(RelativeDir)%(Filename).bin' )" >

    <!-- makefoo doesn't know how to create directories: -->
    <MakeDir Directories="$(OutputPath)%(CompileFoo.RelativeDir)"/>
    <Exec Command="makefoo -o &quot;$(OutputPath)%(CompileFoo.RelativeDir)%(CompileFoo.Filename).bin&quot; &quot;%(CompileFoo.Identity)&quot;" />

        <!-- Required so we can handle Clean: -->
        <FileWrites Include="@(CompileFoo -> '$(OutputPath)%(RelativeDir)%(Filename).bin' )"/>

This works great if I include it in a project that generates the final EXE.

But now I want to make it work in a project that generates a DLL that is referenced by the EXE (C# with an assembly reference) and I need to get those generated items (the .bin files in the example) from the output directory of the DLL, into the output directory of the EXE.

I am trying to get something similar to the effect of this, when it occurs in the DLL project:

<Content Include="Test\Test.txt"><CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory></Content>

In this case the Test\Test.txt file ends up in the output folder of the EXE. Although I am not sure that is quite the same thing. (Does it copy from the original file, or the one from the DLL output folder?)

I'm trying to get something fairly compatible - specifically that will work on VS2010 and VS Mac.


  • The trick here is to make the GetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems target return an additional AllItemsFullPathWithTargetPath item:

    <Target Name="IncludeFoo" BeforeTargets="GetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems">
        <CompiledFoos Include="@(CompileFoo -> '$(OutputPath)%(RelativeDir)%(Filename).bin' )">
        <AllItemsFullPathWithTargetPath Include="@(CompiledFoos->'%(FullPath)')"  />

    (testet using a current MSBuild 15 version) (Edited version tested with VS2010 -AR)