I wrote a Cython program calling Intel MKL for matrix multiplication, with the purpose of making it parallel. It was based on an old SO post linking to BLAS and used a bunch of Cython methods I've never seen, but got it working and it was much slower than NumPy (also linked to MKL). In order to speed it up, I used the typical Memoryview format (it was using ndarray
datatype for a couple operations). But now it no longer works using double[::1]
Memoryviews. Here's the error generated:
'type cast': cannot convert from '__Pyx_memviewslice' to 'double *'
And as a result of the type cast not working, the MKL function only sees 3 of 5 arguments:
error C2660: 'cblas_ddot': function does not take 3 arguments
Here is the .PYX code:
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
from cython cimport view
from cython.parallel cimport prange #this is your OpenMP portion
from openmp cimport omp_get_max_threads #only used for getting the max # of threads on the machine
cdef extern from "mkl_cblas.h" nogil: #import a function from Intel's MKL library
double ddot "cblas_ddot"(int N,
double *X,
int incX,
double *Y,
int incY)
cpdef matmult(double[:,::1] A, double[:,::1] B):
cdef int Ashape0=A.shape[0], Ashape1=A.shape[1], Bshape0=B.shape[0], Bshape1=B.shape[1], Arowshape0=A[0,:].shape[0] #these are defined here as they aren't allowed in a prange loop
if Ashape1 != Bshape1:
raise TypeError('Inner dimensions are not consistent!')
cdef int i, j
cdef double[:,::1] out = np.zeros((Ashape0, Bshape1))
cdef double[::1] A_row = np.zeros(Ashape0)
cdef double[:] B_col = np.zeros(Bshape1) #no idea why this is not allowed to be [::1]
cdef int Arowstrides = A_row.strides[0] // sizeof(double)
cdef int Bcolstrides = B_col.strides[0] // sizeof(double)
cdef int maxthreads = omp_get_max_threads()
for i in prange(Ashape0, nogil=True, num_threads=maxthreads, schedule='static'): # to use all cores
A_row = A[i,:]
for j in range(Bshape1):
B_col = B[:,j]
out[i,j] = ddot(Arowshape0, #call the imported Intel MKL library
return np.asarray(out)
I'm sure this is easy for someone on SO to point out. And please advise if you see where improvement can be made - this was hacked and chopped together and I don't think the i / j loops are even needed. The cleanest example around: https://gist.github.com/JonathanRaiman/f2ce5331750da7b2d4e9 which I finally compiled is actually much faster (2x) but gives no results so I'll put that in another post (here: Calling BLAS / LAPACK directly using the SciPy interface and Cython - also how to add MKL)
Much appreciated.
To get a pointer from a memoryview you need to take the address of the first element
ddot(Arowshape0, #call the imported Intel MKL library