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Processing delimiter within a field in a csv file using Scala

I've got a .csv file with | delimiter and the following command fits me, exept for some records which contain delimiter inside a name of an artist

val df_artist ="com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "false").option("delimiter", "|").option("mode", "DROPMALFORMED").load("./artists.csv");


ARVYNKF1272BA83168|TRAGGZG128F92F9B5E|Black Devil Disco Club


ARZCIDG1187B992CE3||Kid Creole | The Coconuts

is it possible to make first two columns and everything what will be left put to third column, ignoring delimiters?

I use Spark 2.1.1, if it is important.


  • I would suggest to use sparkContext textFile to read the csv file and split the line with | delimiter and choose first two strings as first two columns and the rest as the third column. The working code for this is

    val data = sc.textFile("./artists.csv") => line.split("\\|"))
      .map(array => (array(0), array(1), array.drop(2)))
      .toDF("rowId", "ticketId", "movies")

    Given, the input file contains data as

    ARVYNKF1272BA83168|TRAGGZG128F92F9B5E|Black Devil Disco Club
    ARZCIDG1187B992CE3||Kid Creole | The Coconuts

    Output of above code would be

    |rowId             |ticketId          |movies                      |
    |ARVYNKF1272BA83168|TRAGGZG128F92F9B5E|[Black Devil Disco Club]    |
    |ARQJXPL1187B9B4D6B|TRWUJAE128F92E3E7D|[M, A, R, R, S]             |
    |ARZCIDG1187B992CE3|                  |[Kid Creole ,  The Coconuts]|