I recently discovered some of the power and easy of use of dired mode of Emacs. But in Krusader, I just begin press first letter(s) of folder/file, and press enter, and so I go deep, then search for another folder, focus, press enter until I found the file I should open.
How I do it in dired now:
I really need to make this easier. So the main thing I want is when I press enter once, to:
Of course the second main thing would be to BE by default in some isearch mode with dired, to just navigate by typing, and only when press ESC to be in that dired mode where single letters have commands meanings. I'm not sure if this second main thing is easy possible or recommended for dired. But the main thing I believe should be doable with a few smart Lisp lines, which I don't know :)
Thank you guys,
Here's one way to do the main thing:
(add-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook
(lambda ()
(when (and (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
(not isearch-mode-end-hook-quit))