I've been struggling with this for a few days. I have a list of ImageCheckRow types and I want to mark them as checked or not checked and then disable them so the user can't change them. I have the following code executing:
let multi = subvalue.extractBool("multi", ifnil: false)
let disableEntry = subvalue.extractBool("disabled", ifnil: false)
let title: String! = subvalue.extractString("title", ifnil: "Select")
let defaultValues = subvalue.extractNSDictionary("values");
let imageChecked: String!
let imageUnchecked: String!
if (multi)! {
currentSection = SelectableSection<ImageCheckRow<String>>(title, selectionType: .multipleSelection)
imageChecked = "images/checkbox-checked"
imageUnchecked = "images/checkbox-unchecked"
} else {
currentSection = SelectableSection<ImageCheckRow<String>>(title, selectionType: .singleSelection(enableDeselection: true))
// We should change these to radios at some point
imageChecked = "images/radio-checked"
imageUnchecked = "images/radio-unchecked"
form +++ currentSection!
if let options = subvalue.extractArray("options") {
for option in options {
for (optionKey, optionValue) in option as! NSDictionary {
currentSection! <<< ImageCheckRow<String> { row in
row.tag = "\(tagname)_\(optionKey)"
row.title = optionValue as? String
row.selectableValue = optionKey as? String
if let dvkey = optionKey as? String {
if let _ = defaultValues?.value(forKey: dvkey) {
row.value = optionKey as? String
row.disabled = Condition(booleanLiteral: disableEntry!)
}.cellSetup { cell, _ in
cell.trueImage = UIImage(named: imageChecked)!
cell.falseImage = UIImage(named: imageUnchecked)!
When 'disableEntry' is true the ImageCheckRow is still valid for clicking and the image changes from checked to unchecked and vice-versa. How should I be disabling these rows?
Try pointing to the latest commit in master.
It was an issue in Eureka that was solved after the release 3.0.0
was made. It was solved in PR #1063 https://github.com/xmartlabs/Eureka/pull/1063